Thursday June 14, 2012 I did the "Take a Walk" prompt from
Inner Excavation...
I took a walk downtown with my husband and daughter. Daughter needed her new glasses adjusted so we all walked down together (we don't have a car) and I took pictures along the way...
and then I did a a two page spread in the journal book I'm keeping for
the read-along.
It was a lot of fun. I love being behind the camera. It really forces me to focus outside of myself and notice the world around me.
I almost forget my favorite photo of the bunch...
This little guy I spotted on a very damp stone wall under a railroad bridge. It stinks like crazy under there and the wall oozes water or something I probably don't want to know about, but this little one seems to like it.
The whole set of photos from the photo walk is
here in this set on Flickr.
I also ended up doing a small collage for chapter one last night:
That completes my work with chapter one.
This week work with Chapter 2 starts. I'm so excited!